Friday, May 14, 2010

MYAF Day One

I arrived at MYAF today amid humidity and mobs of students. Turns our my roommate is Jess, Anthony's girlfriend. She's pretty cool, and I've gotten to like her the more I talk to her. She's a very interesting person, and she shares quite a few of my philosophies.

The opening ceremony was the same as it ever was, lots of congratulations or being invited, some singing, some dancing, etc. There was a boy there who I swear could be Hillary's Josh's twin brother who did a pair of monologues absolutely phenomenally. The first was from Death of a Salesman, Biff's monologue about his inability to hold down a job. The second was the better of the two: a monologue from a play called The Spotted Man. It was a wonderful monologue. I'll have to look it up for future auditions. Also, Alyssa S.'s dance was in the ceremony, the first, apparently, to be admitted as a student choreographed piece. I think it's really nifty.

After the ceremony Jess and I returned to the dorm and spent a few hours talking about whatever crossed our minds, leapfrogging from one topic to the next, often without finishing the first. It was okay, though. I like talking with her.

I'm looking forward to the classes tomorrow, though it's that Anne Marie woman from two years ago, the sort of hippie-ish woman. I hope we're not writing poems about trees again.

Oh well. We'll see.

All I know is that it's technically Friday, and I am unable to sleep.

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